Would You Rather Secret Code video and answers
Watch the video below to learn how to solve a code … and remember there are hints and tips on how to play in the book as well.
Stuck on a would you rather secret code? Find answers below.

Have ostrich legs or chameleon eyes
Have ticklish teeth or creaky eyelids
Live in an ice hotel or a sandcastle
Have an engine heart or cosmic hair
Wear a brain leech or watch hypnotic goat TV
Talk like Yoda or breathe like Darth Vader
Float like a jellyfish or sting like a flea
Have the internet or have the stars at night
Wear a live pigeon hat or a live snake scarf
Have telescopes for eyes or radar dishes for ears
Eat seagull splat ice cream or cockroach chocolate
Go skiing on the red dunes of Mar or have a nice nap
Turn green if you’re angry or turn blue if you’re sad
Make up the world’s funniest joke or win a Nobel prize
Be able to talk to chickens or know what flies are thinking
Redesign your national flag or rewrite your national anthem
Have a portable beach machine or a wardrobe full of sunshine
Turn into a wereweevil or a vampire vole
Punk a skunk or bark at a shark
Own a Wormhole Lasso or a Gravity Bracelet

Have a Venus Flytrap mouth or a Pinocchio nose
Drive a car made of Lego or have a house made of hammocks
Have chopsticks instead of hands or mousetraps instead of feet
Have cuttlefish arms on your face or have naked mole rat teeth
Wear a thoughtwave reading turban or carry a galactic backpack
Look like your dad or rap like your mom
Be up to your eyeballs in slime or down to your ankles in slime
Be able to skate on your head or walk the tightrope on your hands
Be a sloth in a family of humans or a human in a family of sloths
Work in a launderette for mud wrestlers or in a school of shouting
Swim in a pool of boiled eggs or wear a onesie full of refried beans
Control an army of ten thousand honey badgers or fifty thousand bees
Have a dry ice machine on your butt or disco lights on your forehead
Have an ancient puzzles class or a futuristic hoverdisc lesson
Have a kitten that can play the saxophone or a budgie that can teleport
Have eyes in the back of your head or extra tastebuds in your stomach
Have no bones like an octopus or have an external shell like a beetle
Be in a rowing team with a yucky ducky or in a band with a clunky monkey
Be taught history by a zombie from ancient Rome or be taught French by a poodle
Go to school in a magical bubble or in a helicopter swimming pool
Find a gun that fires peace bullets or a cannon that shoots healing water
Invent a cure for greed or restore the world’s oceans to perfect health

Take a ride on a slow motion rollercoaster or a rocket boosted stair lift
Go on a zip wire across the Grand Canyon or eat a whole packet of biscuits
Dream up new songs in your sleep or remember everything you’ve ever read
Take part in a volcanic snowball fight or hang out at an underwater barbeque
Be able to draw anything from memory or be able to drive any vehicle like a pro
Snore like a moose with sinus problems or laugh like a gibbering gibbon
Spend an hour in the world’s worst music video or in the world’s most boring book
Eat fried eggs in zero gravity or eat glow in the dark spaghetti during an eclipse
Get into an elevator full of chrysalises or build a fort out of old tarantula skins
Take a hot air balloon ride in the eye of a storm or a cruise in a floating hot tub
Be any age you like for one month every year or be able to see a year into the future on your birthday
Sit in a small room full of Plasma slugs or be buried in sand full of Skycrackle ants
Shoot out your eyebrow hairs like a porcupine or retract your fingernails like a cat
Have a moustache made of fingers or a voice that says everything twice everything twice
Go for a ride in a chariot pulled by grasshoppers or on a barge pulled by flying fish
Go for a ride in a chariot pulled by grasshoppers or on a barge pulled by flying fish
Be the first person to travel out of the Solar System or alphabetize your book collection
Have an element named for you or have a bird discovered in Patagonia who caws your name

Have eyelashes that pick up radio signals or toenails that can send secret Morse code messages
Take a ride in an indestructible Zorb through the Big Bang or through a Strange Energy tsunami
Eat a cake that turns you into a giant or drink a potion that shrinks you to the size of a doll
Have a famous but hideously ugly painting made of you or own an incredibly beautiful but ordinary painting of a stranger
Have a brain basketball or a basketball brain
Have a tiny bull angel playing the harp on your shoulder or a tiny angry frog demon squeaking directions
Invent a perpetual energy machine or breed a new kind of coral that can live in warmer sea water
Have lucky four leaved clover instead of hair or have lucky unicorn horseshoes stuck to your feet
Star in the film of your favorite book or be a world champion at the computer game of your favorite film
Scrub out the dragon stable or have to pass a surprise exam in alien politics (not multiple choice)
Wake up in a spiders dream or have your eyes glued open at the annual unfunniest clown competition
Jump off a diving board onto a huge marshmallow or be shot from a cannon into a mountain of pillows
Live in the pouch of an enormous runaway kangaroo or in the top pocket of a normal sized office King Kong
Be able to turn into solid liquid or gas at will or have a wallet that produces one gold coin per day
Control all electricity (but it makes a rotten fish smell) or be the master of fire (but only on Tuesdays)
Have a pen pal from Atlantis or go on a trip to your capital city two hundred years in the future
Go to a fancy dress party where everyone is dressed like you or watch a movie in which everyone talks like you
Own a cloak of invisibility which steals a non human species from the world every time you wear it or boots of sneaking which steal a language from the world every time you wear them
Find a belt that turns you into a martial arts expert or find a tie that lets you play any musical instrument
Buy the world’s comfiest shoes that never wear out (but they make parping noises when you walk), or have teeth that never fall out or decay (but they make a sound like foil being scrunched when you eat)
Have plant skin to get energy from the sun (but you can never eat again), or impenetrable shark skin (but you have to keep moving all the time)
Bathe in a magic fountain once a year to stay young (but each time you get smaller and smaller), or be able to hibernate in the winter (but each year a new part of your body gets covered in thick bear hair)
Go space hopping on the Moon or be in the stadium when your country wins the World Cup of your favorite sport
Have a tiny pet gorilla that lives inside a matchbox apartment or a miniature steam train that goes around your belly button
Have a spot on your nose that can be seen from space or have an extra nose at the base of your spine (both last for one year)
Have a virtual reality recording of your happiest memory or a machine that can turn one day a month into an extra weekend day
Live in a treehouse that’s a huge palace on the inside or have a tent that travels somewhere new every time you go to sleep in it
Build a secret tunnel that goes to your best friend’s house or have a hatch in your bedroom that delivers breakfast in bed every day
Have a ghost version of yourself you can send on haunting missions or a voodoo doll that gives someone the giggles when you tickle it
A catchy jingle plays when you walk in a room or a new species is named for your best feature (eg the Dad’s Mustache Frondy Sea Slug)
Have the worst photo ever taken of you hung in a local gallery or have your most awkward moment reenacted with real names on a popular YouTube channel
Find a tree that grows a different fruit every day or a bowl that gives you a delicious dessert once a week (but sometimes it’s a trick dessert like lice pudding)
Have your eyes turn a different random color every day or wake up in a different body every New Years Day
Be a record gold medal winner in the World Riddling Championships or be the head of a secret code breaking organization
Be able to control the weather but only make it rain or have the ability to talk to machines but they all have terrible personalities
Have super strong arms (but you could never hug anyone) or amazing hearing (but you could never listen to music again)
Fight a dinosaur that shoots dinosaurs out of its eyes or watch the news every day for a month

Bonus game answer
The 23 hand drawn symbols are: funny face, alien eye, octopus, kettle, teeth, lolly, sweet, funny face, hippo, bone, burger, ghost, worm, watermelon slice, crown, rainbow, gem, bee, heart and arrow, bear, toilet roll, hat, dinosaur
Now try to find more puzzles!

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