All Tangled Up
Anagram Tricks and Tips
Each section in the anagram downloads has a combination of easy and difficult puzzles, starting with the shortest anagrams and working up to the longest.
Solving any puzzle starts with looking at it from different angles.
Try reorganising the letters of the anagram in a random letter cloud. This sometimes helps you to see the words hidden inside.
You can also reorganise the letters in straight lines. If you don’t have any luck, try doing it again differently.
Another way to solve an anagram is to separate the consonants and vowels. Write the consonants down in a line or column and see if you can fit the vowels in between them to make words you recognise.
If you get stuck, try writing down some names, inventions and places from The Ten Riddles of Eartha Quicksmith and see if you can recognise the same letters in any of the anagrams. (Remember that characters usually have a first and second name.)
Sometimes, looking away for a few moments and daydreaming can help your mind come back with a fresh approach.
If all else fails, don’t forget there’s a hint sheet!